Holly holds a 15 year history as a successful multimillion dollar business owner in brick and mortar business, as well as 5 years in the online business space as a multiple 6 figure entrepreneur.
She is a licensed Trauma Informed Life and Success Coach, a qualified breathwork, EFT and meditation practitioner, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a certified Human Design and Gene Keys teacher - a unique specialty qualification held by only a small percentage in business. She draws from a large toolbox of practices and experiences, with a particular focus on the convergence between the personal healing journey and business success practices. Her area of highly sought after expertise is in Human Design, with a specialty focus on the energy type of 'Manifestors', from which she has created her current half-million dollar business community focused solely on teaching and education.

Oh hey, I’m Holly Herbig.
I am many things, but you probably know me as the founder of The Manifestor Community - the world's only official teaching community exclusively for Human Design Manifestors.

I’m a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor, a spiritual teacher and, dare I say it, a bit of a business guru. I walk the path of business that most people don’t, creating a different narrative of success than the one you are used to. And yep, it still makes a tonne of money.
I have spent 15 years in business, covering 7 years as a Business Consultant (helping businesses work out where they were failing), 4 years as a high end Cafe + Events venue owner (with over 50+ staff and a taking a bankrupt business to over $2 million annual turnover in just 1 year) and now 4 years in the online space (where I rank in the top 3% of entrepreneurs who bring in multiple 6 figures). Basically, I know a lot about business.
I’ll be really honest, there is a lot of noise in the online space about business, and most of it is incorrect. There are plenty of business coaches who want to teach you to succeed….except at best they only know one strategy that happened to work for them or at worst they haven’t even succeeded yet themselves. I’m no business coach and I’m not here to sell you a course. I’m just here to let you watch me, learn from my stories and gather some insights along the way that might save you a lot of time and energy.
If you want to do business in a weird, wild and off-beat way, stick around.
In other unfascinating news, I am an Aussie, a mumma of 3 and I live in the quiet hills outside of Canberra (that’s actually the capital of Australia….it’s not Sydney…..that’s a free geography lesson). I’m also a qualified Human Design and Gene Keys teacher, the world’s only Manifestor specialist, a Breathwork, EFT and Meditation Practitioner, a Reiki healer and a clinical Hypnotherapist. Did I mention I also used to be a registered nurse?
I’m a complicated person, just like you. But what I know down to my toes, is how to make business uncomplicated.
If that is a ride you want to hop on, stick around.